
BBSLOE A3 Current Condition

Module three discusses the importance of observation and data in understanding the current condition. The third module focuses on describing and diagramming the current condition.  The importance of observation, going to the Gemba, is discussed along with fundamental measurement tools and techniques.  The people who do the work have the best information about what is currently

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BBSLOE A3: Standardize the Process

Standard Work is one of the fundamental concepts in Lean—without standard work, any gains will be short-lived.  Taiichi Ohno said that, “Where there is no standard, there can be no Kaizen.”  Standard work and Kaizen work hand-in-hand to continuously and iteratively drive improvement, but more about that in a minute. First, we need to define Standard work.  There are a number of

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BBSLOE A3: Short/Long Term Effectiveness Check

Short-and long-term effectiveness checks are presented along with methods for communicating and standardizing success. The most important aspect of the A3 method is determining the short-term and long-term effectiveness of the actions taken.  For the short term assessment (approx 6 months) the team uses the same measures they used to describe the current state and

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